[お偲び] 阿部令彦 氏(慶応義塾大学 名誉教授) |
阿部令彦(あべ・おさひこ)さん | |
命日: | 2021年3月7日 12時30分 |
年齢: | 95歳 |
肩書: | 慶応義塾大学 名誉教授 |
備考:葬儀は近親者で施行。 | |
・ 阿部令彦氏死去 慶応大名誉教授 |
[お偲び] 阿部令彦 氏(慶応義塾大学 名誉教授) |
阿部令彦(あべ・おさひこ)さん | |
命日: | 2021年3月7日 12時30分 |
年齢: | 95歳 |
肩書: | 慶応義塾大学 名誉教授 |
備考:葬儀は近親者で施行。 | |
・ 阿部令彦氏死去 慶応大名誉教授 |
ご家族のShizue Abe様、日本国際外科学会理事長の Koutaro Maeda 様に深い悲しみとともにお悔やみを申し上げます。
台灣 國際外科醫学会 理事長
Dear Mrs. Shizue Abe:
On behalf of the International College of Surgeons, Taiwan Section, I would like to express our deepest sorrow when we heard that our Honorary Fellow, professor Osahiko Abe, passed away on March 7th, 2021. Professor Abe was an outstanding general surgeon at Keio University, and published many papers on the side effects from vagotomy and breast cancer therapy. Among his many important contributions, which will never be forgotten, was the initiation of very fruitful, inspiring, and substantial cooperation between the ICS Japan Section and the ICS Czech Republic Section. In 2002, Prof. Chun-Jean Lee (李俊仁, ICS World President, 2000-2002) host the 33rd ICS Biennial Congress in Taipei, Taiwan. Prof. Abe was the Asian Federation Secretary. It was a very successful meeting, characteristically based on harmony, cooperation and strong effort.
His passing is a tremendous loss to Japan and the World ICS. However, he has become a thousand winds that blow around us, and the stars that shine at night to protect those he loved.
Please allow us to express our deepest and most sincere condolences to Mrs. Shizue Abe, the rest of his family, and Professor Koutaro Maeda, President, ICS Japan Section.
Sincerely yours,
Kung-Kai Kuo
International College of Surgeons, Taiwan Section
Kung-Kai Kuo