[お偲び] 敷田稔 氏(名古屋高等検察庁 元検事長) |
敷田稔(しきた・みのる)さん | |
命日: | 2017年9月12日 |
年齢: | 85歳 |
肩書: | 名古屋高等検察庁 元検事長 |
備考:葬儀は近親者で施行。後日、お別れの会を開く。 | |
2017年11月30日 法曹会館 高砂の間 | |
・ 敷田稔氏が死去 元名古屋高検検事長 ・ 元名古屋高検検事長の敷田稔さん死去 85歳 ・ 敷田稔さん85歳=元名古屋高検検事長 ・ 「敷田稔先生を偲ぶ会」のご案内 |
[お偲び] 敷田稔 氏(名古屋高等検察庁 元検事長) |
敷田稔(しきた・みのる)さん | |
命日: | 2017年9月12日 |
年齢: | 85歳 |
肩書: | 名古屋高等検察庁 元検事長 |
備考:葬儀は近親者で施行。後日、お別れの会を開く。 | |
2017年11月30日 法曹会館 高砂の間 | |
・ 敷田稔氏が死去 元名古屋高検検事長 ・ 元名古屋高検検事長の敷田稔さん死去 85歳 ・ 敷田稔さん85歳=元名古屋高検検事長 ・ 「敷田稔先生を偲ぶ会」のご案内 |
場所:法曹会館 千代田区霞が関
English Translation of this Bord
[Comemoration] Mr. SHIKITA Minoru (Fomer Superintendent Prosecutor for NAGOYA High Prosecutors Office)
Passed Date: September 12, 2017
Age: 85
Title: Former Superintedent Prosecutor for NAGOYA High Public Prosecutors Office
Cause: Chronic Cardiac Insufficiency
Principal Mourner: SHIKITA Hideko (wife)
The funeral was held among his family, relatives and close friends. A Memorial Service of Mr. SHIKITA will be held later.
In 1961, he contributed to establishing the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI).
After he served as the Chief Prosecutor of the KYOTO District Public Prosecutors Office, he was appointed to the Superintendent Prosecutor for HIROSHIMA High Public Prosecutos Office from 1991 to 1993, and to the Superintendent Prosecutor for NAGOYA High Public Prosecutors Office drom 1993 to 1995.
After retired, he continued working in the field of international cooperation by serving as such the Chairman of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, Vice President of the International Association of Prosecutors, etc.
Memorial Service:
Date: From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on November 30 (Thurs.), 2017
Venue: Lawyers Club (Hoso Kaikan in Japanese) at 1-1-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
Available to jump to related news articles (only in Japanese, so omitted here).
Detail Notice for Memorial Service of Mr. SHIKITA MInoru (you can jump to the notice by click the last words)